Author Topic: !OUTDATED INFORMATION! -- The Novella: Final Fantasy X-2.5 ~Eternal Cost~  (Read 111209 times)

Internal Medicine Doctor

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Re: The Novella: Final Fantasy X-2.5 ~Eternal Cost~
« Reply #255 on: February 19, 2014, 06:46:19 pm »
When the translator said the novel isn't worth translating, does that mean that he didn't like what he read?

I think he meant that there wasn't any filler in the novel that was really interesting. Don't forget that translating Japanese is very hard work, considering that there are three sub-languages within it. (Hiragana, katakana, kanji) So far, I agree. Apart from the 'Tidus is feeling lonely' part (I actually feel pretty sorry for him. :() and the illusion talk, there's nothing really of interest in the first chapter so far. Of course, the madness starts on the island. But it probably takes until halfway into the book to get there.

Although that's a nice way of looking at it, Pixel simply didn't like what he was reading.
It disgusted him, and he said he might very well stop. He did shortly after he made that comment.

What's that word you used?

I thought there wasn't a censor in place.

I said "w-h-o-r-e" that time. The forum has censored me a number of times lately, but didn't a couple of weeks back when I said "f-u-c-k." Now it does censor **** and everything else.

There may be an automatic censor. I'll do some tweaking and see if I can't do some custom bypassing.
Alright, I looked into it a bit and the censor is inherently unavoidable. Once ads are initiated, an unmovable censor is put in place. You can bypass having a word censored by putting . between the letters of the word, so the censor won't detect it. You can do this with any character, but using . makes the character unnoticeable.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2014, 06:52:37 pm by Internal Medicine Doctor »